symbol aspect name  [Collapseitems aspect is in
Weather, Mist, Climate
Aspect Alienis Alienis
Eldritch, The End, Strange, Alien
Aspect Animus Animus
Soul, Spirit
  • Soul Sand x 1
  • Wispy Essence x 1
  • Ghast Tear x 4
  • Oblivion Frame x10
  • Head x4
Aspect Aqua Aqua
Water, Fluid
  • Awkward Potion x 1*
  • Boat x 4
  • Brewing Stand x 2
  • Cactus x 1
  • Cake x 8
  • Clay (ball) x 1
  • Empty Map x 13
  • Ghast Tear x 4
  • Lily Pad x 1
  • Mundane Potion x 1
  • Music Disk (13) x 4
  • Paper x 2
  • Pumpkin Pie x 2
  • Raw Fish x 1
  • Sugar Cane x 2
  • Slime Ball x 2
  • Sugar x 2
  • Thick Potion x 1
  • Water Bottle x 1
  • Water Bucket x 4
  • Water Shard x 2
  • Lava Bucket x 1
Aspect Aura Aura
Air, Wind, Breath
Aspect Bestia Bestia
Animal, Beast
Aspect Bestiola Bestiola
Spider, Web, Insects
Aspect Carus Carus
Expensive, Precious, Valuable
Aspect Cognitio Cognitio
Learning, Knowledge, Inquiry
Aspect Corpus Corpus
Body, Flesh, Physique
  • Black Wool x 1
  • Bones x 2
  • Cake x 3
  • Cooked Chicken x 4
  • Cooked Porkchop x 4
  • Egg x 2
  • Ink x 1
  • Raw Beef x 4
  • Raw Chicken x 4
  • Raw Porkchop x 4
  • Rotten Flesh x 4
  • Steak x 4
  • Zombie Brain x 2
  • Meat Nugget (any, from cooking meat in the Infernal Furnace) x 1*
  • Player when standing on a Crucible (~ x 1 per 20 sec)*
Aspect Fabrico Fabrico
Create, Construct, Work
  • Anvil x 2
  • Crafting Table x 4
  • Uncrafting Table x 16
  • Music Disc (blocks) x 4
  • Slightly Damaged Anvil x 1
  • Steel Ingot x 1
  • Very Damaged Anvil x 1
  • Arcane Worktable x 4
Aspect Flos Flos
Flower, Bloom, Blossom
  • Dandelion Yellow x 2
  • Flowers x 4
  • Magenta Dye x 1
  • Magenta Wool x 1
  • Orange Dye x 2
  • Orange Wool x 2
  • Pink Dye x 1
  • Pink Wool x 1
  • Purple Dye x 1
  • Purple Wool x 1
  • Red Wool x 2
  • Rose Red x 2
  • Yellow Wool x 2
  • Crowbar x 3
Aspect Fractus Fractus
Destruction, Fragmented, Shattered
  • Cobblestone x 1
  • Furnace x 6
  • Gunpowder x 4
  • Red Xychorium x 2
  • TNT x 16
Aspect Fungus Fungus
Mushroom, Toadstool, Fungi
  • Brown Mushroom x 4*
  • Mushroom Stew x 3
  • Mushroom (Block) x 4
  • Mycelium x 1
  • Nether Wart x 1
  • Red Mushroom x 4*
Aspect Gelum Gelum
Cold, Ice, Frost
  • Ice x 3
  • Snow x 3*
  • Snowball x 1*
  • Water Shard x 2
Aspect Herba Herba
Herb, Plant, Grass
  • Cactus x 4
  • Dead Bush x 1
  • Saplings x 4
  • Seeds x 1
  • Cocoa Beans x 1
  • Leaves (non-Silverwood) x 2*
  • Moss Stone x 1
  • Grass x 1
Aspect Ignis Ignis
Fire, Heat, Burn
  • Blaze Rod x 6
  • Brick x 1
  • Charcoal x 2
  • Coal x 2
  • Enchantment Table x 6
  • Fire Shard x 2
  • Flint and Steel x 4
  • Furnace x 2
  • Gunpowder x 4
  • Music Disc (11) x 4
  • Nether Wart x 1
  • Netherrack x 1
  • Rose x 1
  • Fire Charge x 3
Aspect Imperito Imperito
Control, Command, Dominate
  • Blue Xychorium x 2
  • Bronze Ingot x 1
  • Lever x 1
  • Music Disc (strad) x 4
  • Rubber (IC2) x 2
  • Saddle x 4
  • Slime Ball x 2
  • Tin Ore x 1
  • Pipe Waterproof x 1
Aspect Instrumentum Instrumentum
Instrument, Tool, Implement
  • Anvil x 2
  • Axe x (depends on material)
  • Flint x 1
  • Hoe x (depends on material)
  • Pickaxe x (depends on material)
  • Shears x 4
  • Shovel x (depends on material)
  • Slightly Damaged Anvil x 2
  • Very Damaged Anvil x 1
  • Rubber Wood x 1
Aspect Lignum Lignum
Wood, Forest, Tree
  • Bed x 3
  • Charcoal x 2
  • Chest x 3
  • Crafting Table x 3
  • Jukebox x 3
  • Lever x 1
  • Log (any vanilla type) x 8*
  • Piston x 3
  • Redstone Repeater x 2
  • Saplings x 2
  • Sign x 1
  • Stick x 1*
  • Sticky Piston x 3
  • Tripwire Hook x 1
  • Note Block x 3
  • Wooden Bowl x 1
  • Wooden Button x 1
  • Wooden Door x 3
  • Wooden Fence x 1
  • Wooden Fence Gate x 5
  • Wooden Planks (any vanilla type) x 2 *
  • Wooden Pressure Plate x 3
  • Wooden Slab (any vanilla type) x 1 *
  • Wooden Stairs (any type) x 2 *
  • Wooden Tools x (depends on tool)
Aspect Lux Lux
Light, Brightness, Day
  • Flower (Yellow) x 1
  • Glowstone x 10
  • Glowstone Dust x 3
  • Jack o Lantern x 1
  • Light Xychorium x 2
  • Redstone Lamp x 8
  • Torch x 2 
Aspect Machina Machina
Mechanism, Machine, Device
  • Button (any) x 1
  • Fence Gate x 1
  • Nicolite (RedPower 2) x 2
  • Redstone x 2
  • Redstone Repeater x 8
  • Redstone Torch x 4
  • Pressure Plate (any) x 1
Aspect Malum Malum
Evil, The Nether, Malice
  • Blightberry x 4
  • Duskberry x 4
  • Creeper Head x 4
  • Ghast Tear x 4
  • Music Disc (stal) x 4
  • Skeleton Skull x 4
  • Skyberry x 4
  • Wither Skeleton Skull x 4
  • Zombie Brain x 2
  • Zombie Head x 4
Aspect Messis Messis
Crops, Harvest
  • All Berries x 1
  • Apple x 2
  • Cake x 8
  • Carrot x 2
  • Golden Apple x 2
  • Potato x 2
  • Sugar Canes x 2
  • Pumpkin x 8*
  • Wheat x 2
Aspect Metallum Metallum
Metal, Mine, Ore
  • Aluminum x 4
  • Anvil x 26
  • Cinnabar Ore x 3
  • Copper/Tin/Silver/Bronze/Lead Dust x 5
  • Copper/Tin/Silver/Bronze/Lead Ingot x 6
  • Copper/Tin/Silver Ore x 5
  • Iron Ingot x 8*
  • Gold Ingot x 8
  • Iron/Gold Dust x 7
  • Iron/Gold Ore x 6
  • Gold Nugget x 1*
  • Quicksilver x 4
  • Refined Uranium x 6
  • Slightly Damaged Anvil x 6
  • Shears x 13
  • Very Damaged Anvil x 26
Aspect Mortuus Mortuus
Death, Decay, Undead
  • Bone Meal x 2
  • Bones x 4
  • Ghast Tear x 4
  • Gray Dye x 1
  • Light Blue Dye x 1
  • Light Gray Wool x 1
  • Potion of Harming (I) x3
  • Potion of Harming (II) x6
  • Rotten Flesh x 4
  • Wither Skeleton Skull x 8
  • Zombie Brain x 2
Aspect Motus Motus
Motion, Movement, Speed
  • Air Shard x 2
  • Boat x 4
  • Doors x 1
  • Gate x 1
  • Minecart x 4
  • Music Disc (mellohi) x 4
  • Piston x 4
  • Potion of Speed (I) x 3
  • Potion of Speed (II) x 6
  • Quicksilver x1
  • Rubber (IC2) x 2
  • Rubberwood x1
  • Trapdoor x 1
  • Naga Stone x 4
  • Naga Headstone x 4
Aspect Mutatio Mutatio
Flux, Chaos
  • Magma Cream x 2
  • Moss Stone  x 1 (Moss Stone , ID 48)
  • Nether Wart x 1
  • Slimeball x 1
  • Wispy Essence x 1 or x 5
Aspect Obscurus Obscurus
Unknown, Obscured

(Not an Aspect: This symbol appears only while researching. It indicates that an Aspect has been detected, but further research is needed to identify it.)

Aspect Pannus Pannus
Cloth, Fabric, Garment, Thread
  • Bow x 5
  • Leather x 1
  • Non-white Wool x 6
  • String x 2
  • White Wool x 7
Aspect Permutatio Permutatio
Exchange, Change, Barter
  • Charm of Keeping (I) x 4
  • Copper Ore x 1
  • Egg x 4
  • Emerald x 4
  • Flax Seeds x 1
  • Maze Wafer x 1
  • Melon Seeds x 1
  • Music Disc (mall) x 4
  • Pumpkin Seeds x 1
  • Seeds x 1
  • Silver Ore x 1
  • Honey Drop x 2
  • Silver Ingot x 2
  • Light Gray Dye x 1*
  • Ash x 1
Aspect Potentia Potentia
Power, Energy, Strength
  • Charcoal x 2
  • Coal x 2
  • Cocoa Beans x 2
  • Nicolite (RedPower 2) x 2
  • Quartz Crystal x 1
  • Redstone x 2
  • Redstone Repeater x 5
  • Refined Uranium x 6 (IndustrialCraft 2)
  • Apatite x 2
Aspect Praecantatio Praecantatio
Magic, Sorcery
  • Air / Earth / Fire / Water / Dull Shard x 2
  • Any Enchanted Item (Depends On Level) x 2-8(?)
  • Any Potion (I) x 2
  • Any Potion (II) x 4
  • Arcane Stone Block x 2
  • Arcane Wood Block x 1
  • Arcane Worktable x 2
  • Beacon x 8
  • Blaze Rod x 2
  • Charm of Keeping (I) x 4
  • Charm of Life (I) x 4
  • Chiseled Sandstone x 1
  • Emerald x 4
  • Enchantment Table x 8
  • Ender Pearl x 4
  • Golden Carrot x 2
  • Great Wood x 1
  • Music Disc (ward) x 4
  • Nether Star x 8
  • Silverwood Log x 2
  • Steeleaf x 4
  • Vis Shard x 6
  • Magic Tallow x1
  • Warded Stone Block x1*
Aspect Purus Purus
Pure, Clean, Stainless
  • Beacon x 6
  • Diamond x 4
  • Nether Star x 8
  • Nether Quartz x 1
  • Silverwood Leaves x 1
  • Silverwood Log x 2
  • Refined Iron x 1
Aspect Sano Sano
Heal, Repair
  • Cake x 3
  • Charm of Life (I) x 4
  • Golden Apple (Block) x 8
  • Golden Apple (Nugget) x 4
  • Milk Bucket x 2
  • Potion of Health (I) x 3
  • Potion of Health (II) x 6
  • Potion of Regeneration (I) x 3
  • Potion of Regeneration (II) x 6
Aspect Saxum Saxum
Stone, Rock
  • Beacon x 12
  • Cobblestone x 1
  • Enchanting Table x 16
  • End Stone x 1
  • Gravel x 1
  • Nether Brick x 2
  • Netherrack x 1
  • Obsidian x 5
  • Redstone Repeater x 5
  • Silver Ore x 2
  • Stone x 2*
  • Mossy Cobblestone x 2
Aspect Solum Solum
Earth, Soil, Ground, Foundation
  • Brick x 2
  • Bricks (Block) x 6
  • Clay (ball) x2
  • Dirt x 2*
  • End Stone x 1
  • Gravel x 1
  • Music Disc (chirp) x 4
  • Mycelium x 2
  • Netherrack x 1
  • Sand x 2*
  • Soul Sand x 1
Aspect Sonus Sonus
Sound, Noise, Din
  • Cicada x 4 (Twilight Forest)
  • Jukebox x 8
  • Music Disc (any) x 12
  • Noteblock x 4
Aspect Telum Telum
Arrow, Sword, Weapon
  • Arrow x 1*
  • Bow x 6
  • Cactus x 1
  • Potion of Strength (I) x 3
  • Potion of Strength (II) x 6
  • Sword (depends on material) x 4-10
Aspect Tempus Tempus
Time, Moment, Season
  • Clock x 4
  • Redstone Repeater x 1
  • Written Book x 1
  • Nether Quartz Ore (when Silk-Touched) x 1
Aspect Tenebris Tenebris
Dark, Night, Blindness
  • Black Wool x 1
  • Dark Xychorium x 2
  • Duskberry x 4
  • End Stone x 1
  • Ink Sac x 1
  • Obsidian x 1
  • Obsidian Totem x 2
  • Obsidian Tile x 1
Aspect Tutamen Tutamen
Defense, Protection, Security
  • Armor x (depends on material) 3-9
  • Enchanted Book of (any) Protection (depends On Level) x 2-6
  • Leather x 1
  • Potion of Fire Resistance x 1
  • Mazestone x 1
  • Naga scale x5
Aspect Vacuos Vacuos
Empty, Void, Insubstantial
  • Bowl x 1
  • Bucket x 1
  • Chest x 4
  • Flower Pot x 1
  • Glass Phial / Bottle x 1
  • Lead Ingot x 2
  • Chest Cart x 3
Aspect Venenum Venenum
Poison, Drug, Impure
  • Blightberry x 4
  • Poisonous Potato x 2
  • Potion of Poison (I) x 3
  • Potion of Poison (II) x 6
  • Quicksilver x 1
  • Refined Uranium x 4
  • Spider Eye x 1
Aspect Victus Victus
Life Force, Food, Sustenance
  • All Berries x 1
  • Apple x 2
  • Bread x 5
  • Cake x 10
  • Copper Dust / Ingot x 2
  • Green Xychorium x 2
  • Maze Wafer X 2
  • Melon Slice x 1*
  • Porkchop x 4
  • Steak x 4
  • Sulfur x 2
  • Wheat x 2
  • Fish x 3
Aspect Vinculum Vinculum
Bind, Imprison, Trap
  • Amber x 4
  • Charm of Keeping (I) x 8
  • Charm of Life (I) x 8
  • Cobweb x 2
  • Potion of Slowness x 3
  • Soul Sand x 1
  • String x 1
Aspect Visum Visum
Sight, Vision, Appearance
  • Carrot x 2
  • Cinnabar Ore x 3
  • Glowstone Dust x 1
  • Potion of Night Vision x 3
  • Quicksilver x 4
  • Spider Eye x 2
  • Eye of Ender x 4
  • Nether Quartz x 2
Aspect Vitreus Vitreus
Glass, Crystal, Gem, Transparent
  • Beacon x 8
  • Diamond x 12
  • Emerald x 10
  • Enchanting Table x 19
  • Ender Pearl x 4
  • Glass x 2*
  • Glass Bottle x 2
  • Glass Pane x 1*
  • Glass Phial x 1
  • Ice x 1
  • Quartz Crystal x 4
  • Xychorium (all) x 2
  • Amber x 2
Aspect Volito Volito
Flight, Leap
  • Feather x 2
  • Bees (Forestry) x 2
  • Bows x2
  • Sulfur Clouds x 1
  • Skyberry x 4